non-dual philosophy song & ceremony
rooted in curiosity, community + playfulness

“in movement we open to the opportunity of attuning to the sacred dance of life itself”
Within the inevitable ups and downs of being a human, a constant in my life has been spending much of it training and enquiring into the creative body. At heart of which, I think is a deep-seated fascination with the body’s ability to bring us into presence and connection. And yoga’s been key in that journey since I emerged jelly-kneed from an Iyengar class in my teens! I’m a passionate community-builder, curator, movement teacher and sound facilitator currently based in the SW with my love and our (sometimes) sweet hound Bhoomi.
As Lao Tzu suggests, we can always be much inspired by nature, and I'm interested in how movement can enliven our awareness of the natural rhythms and flow of life within us. Reminding us of our place within the wider ecosystem of nature, so we can evolve as better people in service to it.
A long time devotee of TKV Desikachar’s teachings, I've been much guided over the last decade by studies in Yoga Philosophy with Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, Kirtan with Sheela Bringi, Embryology & Somatics with Tias Little and Tantric Philosophy with Tova Olsson. Presently I count the inspiring Paula Andreewitch as my main teacher.
somatic yoga
Informed by two decades of practice and one of teaching, I share from a place of curiosity and awe of the human body and it’s multi-dimensional capacity for empowering, joyful and nourishing movement. I offer weekly classes where feeling is prioritised over form and curiosity and autonomy are centered. It’s always quite amazing where the natural rivers of the breath can guide us. As an Active Birth & Pregnancy yoga teacher I work with an embodied, autonomous approach to movement in this life transition too.
song & ceremony
Have you met Bina yet? As a lover of Bhakti, sound and music play a part in what I share with my beloved harmonium.
Currently I work as an associate with Penny Brohn UK on Sound for Wellbeing sessions, run regular Kirtans and song circles sharing modern medicine song and traditional Vedic mantras. Ceremonial song for people’s life celebrations too.
The beauty of sound (be it in music, our voices or instruments) is that it opens us up to notice the subtler vibration of life itself. I believe singing together scratches an itch deep within, one that wants to express itself freely so as to feel, and to remember ourself as part of a wider whole, as infinitely divine.
non dual philosophy
One of the biggest shifts in my practice was in opening to the luminosity and relevance of the Non Dual Tantric tradition. Much of this path is expanding sensorial awareness, sensitivity & receptivity to remember our inherent interconnectedness with all things. It shows us how to live life to the fullest! And its’ tools are so useful for us as modern day yoga practitioners.
“That which is Shiva, supreme, pure, tranquil, undifferentiated, even, whole, immortal, real reposes in Shakti whose form is luminosity” (Abhinavagupta)
I curate an ever evolving library of non dual yoga philosophy, sound and useful somatic tools, unpacking them so we might bridge the gap between ancient text, lineage & contemporary practice.
the library.
(coming soon ;) )
collective presence.
A few years ago I had a creative itch to scratch that grew into collective presence!
Born (largely) of the questions:
What if an event might be an ongoing conversation?
One to ignite new friendships & alchemise creative collaboration? A big bookmark of a thing honouring a season of the year in a profoundly poetic way?
We have 4 seasonal gatherings a year and our next one is here