Moving towards a curiosity-led approach to teaching yoga and movement, informed by embodied Non Dual Tantric philosophy.
This workshop evolved from a longer training earlier in the year, to go into the specifics of why and how we can teach yoga somatically – cultivating a more curiosity-led approach to holding space for movement. We’ll be looking at some of the embodiment tools, movement techniques and energetic pathways that offer enrichment and support and help us to embody the rich teachings of yoga philosophy in real, meaningful ways.
Over time, its perhaps quite common as yoga teachers to begin to crave offering practices that feel full, nuanced and structured, but that also have space for more discovery and self-agency. Largely, so we can help the beautifully diverse bodies, abilities and energies that show up in our classes to all simultaneously feel really supported. And also because we know from our own felt experiences there is so much more to practice than asana.
But this may well feel like a complex thing to navigate and balance! Particularly if we’ve been trained to override our natural biological feedbacks loops in pursuit of certain peak poses, or taught to guide classes using hyper-specific anatomical cues and set sequences. Does that resonate?
This is where a somatic approach can breathe some spacious support in.
Meaning variously, ‘of the body’, ‘relating to the body as opposed to the mind,’ and (one I especially love!) ‘a nectar like juice,’ somatic is a field within movement and yoga where internal experience and perception is the focus. A much popular word in body-based spheres currently (possibly a great thing!) in this approach we’re essentially prioritising the spontaneously-arising sensational exploration, over pursuing an external shape or specific aesthetic – there’s no overriding/transcending bodily experience to get some place. It’s a wonderful way to grow meaningful dialogue between our felt sense and way of moving through the world and de-tangle from movement hierarchies too.
So in this workshop we’ll be covering: movement principals, non-verbal ways of communicating, language, cueing, metaphor, containers, embodiment techniques, theming classes, and much more.
All accessible practices, techniques & tools we can use as teachers & guides to facilitate real-time bodily awareness and deeper connection.
This workshop is for you if:
– You’re curious about deepening your relationship with language, expression & metaphor – finding new ways to express your ideas & direct experience of movement.
– Are interested in offering a more somatic, enquiry-based and conversational space, where a sense of journey is prioritised over destination, and feeling prioritised over form.
– Are a yoga teacher wanting to share practices that truly accommodate a diverse range of bodies, by teaching from wider movement principals, rather than striving towards a ‘peak pose’ or simply having 2 different options for a shape.
– You feel a little stale, or like you have rehearsed cues or set sequences – perhaps taught to you in past teacher trainings – and are keen to find a more authentic, self-trusting way of teaching informed by your own unique voice.
– Notice yourself guiding classes solely focused on body/anatomical cues when really you want to share the nuance and beauty of your own personal insight – the real gold!
-Are curious about guiding in a way that provides the safety of containment and structure for your students, but with a sense of spaciousness that invites freedom and exploration.
Concessions available for low income please email
Book via The Wildbox timetable (skip forward to the date) click here.